Ushaw Moor Memories (Backup)

Memories of Ushaw Moor and Deerness Valley

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Time For A Quick Chat?

Well I might not have chosen the correct format for a chat but what about a comment? As Robbie Williams once said, at one of his big gigs:  'is there anybody out there?'

I dislike the Go Compare advert shown on television. It is a big shout and seems witless to me. What do you think ?

A few years ago I was one of a handful of work colleagues visiting a hotel bar in Brighton, after a training course. We sat down and found that not six yards away was a group of soap actors from  East Enders enjoying a drink. We all decided to leave them in peace - just as I had done back in about 1979 when Bruce Forsyth popped into a bar and sat down a few feet  from me.

About two months ago I was sitting on a seat at Reading  railway station, late at night, waiting for my train, when a well dressed chap walked by. I looked at him and said to myself - that's Michael Howard! For those not into politicians he is a Conservative  and led the party for a while. He looked at me and my response was to make sure the paper I was reading had its front page facing him. Ah - the Independent - the message I wanted to convey was  - look mate I am not a grubbing Conservative! I can now  reveal my occasionally ridiculous personality - I ensured that he saw my none Oxford 'uni' scarf - the message being I am not an Eton cum Oxford toff so go forth and multiply! I do not suppose that he cared! Mind you in this case of personality spotting I can only claim to be 95% certain that it was Michael Howard.

There is a good chance I will be in Ushaw Moor in July but  it depends on others so I cannot confirm it yet.  However I  do expect to be in Ushaw Moor Cricket Club at some point this Summer. What's the beer like there? 



  1. Thanks Wilf for your posting, been a little quiet on the BLOG and on FACEBOOK Fan Page. Thinking of summer and hoping we may get some POSTS to reflect this..

    Memories of times during the summer in Ushaw and the Deerness Valley. What games did you play, did you go on holiday ? , where did you go ? Tell us your fondest memories of long summer days.

  2. I do believe Michael Howard was the son of a Romanian migrant worker who went through the state system of schooling very much in your own mold Wilf. Entirely on merit he attended Cambridge University and went on to become a practicing Queens Council. Not grubby but a pretty tough cookie.

  3. Good stuff Peter. I was having my usual boorish go at his Conservative circle rather than his wider CV. I must admit that when I read through my posting I looked at the word grubby and thought 'not quite the right word'. There are plenty of more considered words that I could use about the Tory party - that are more true to form than grubby - not that I would criticise many of its often well meaning shire supporters.

    It would be great to have more reaction to postings - more disagreement or support. I know that earlier I went as far as human decency would permit regarding the Catholic church - so I will now be silent about it and not be tempted to comment on the forthcoming visit by the Pope. I really really must treat this site as a vehicle for memories rather tham my personal prejudices. I was due a rap on the knuckles!
