Ushaw Moor Memories (Backup)

Memories of Ushaw Moor and Deerness Valley

Thursday, 18 March 2010

This And That

Some of you might not be aware that if you put  - googlemaps -  into the Google search engine and then - Ushaw Moor - you have access to a walking tour of Ushaw Moor, and just about every where else for that matter. It might be particularly attractive for those ex Ushaw Moor people that have not been back for decades. It really is a case of walking the streets and seeing the houses. It is brilliant but there is a knack to getting down to street level;  I discovered how to do it by experimenting and I invite you to do the same.   

I have been promised a photograph of the Ushaw Moor cricket team taken in the year 1906. Two of the players are known to be the brothers John Thomas Hope and William Hope. I do not know at this stage if it is a tiny photo or a big one but all the same I will get a copy of it to Paul as soon as I can for publication on site.

For those that follow Ushaw Moor Cricket Club please be aware that there is a lot of player information on site relating to 1947 as well as a few score cards for the 30s and 40s. If you are interested by all means have a go at finding it!

The Facebook feature is a turn up for the book! It has breathed new life into Ushaw Moor memories but it needs careful nurturing to prevent it going stale. It would be great if amongst the great four hundred plus we get a few writers for the main memories section; I could then slow down, put my slippers on, and smoke a pipe. Just joking - I do not smoke. I lounge a bit and get exhausted but I do not smoke!

I can tell from some of the facebook comments that some fans are probably not aware of some archived material. An example of this might have been a reference to vicar Welby. He is well featured on site for those that look. Even his family history is there!


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